Unless you plan a really short trip, one of the aspects to consider when you go trekking is which of the different ways to sleep you can use in this type of adventure.
Many novice hikers must learn the importance of choosing the right one in the hard way, and that involves much more than a bad night.
If you do not rest properly, you will not be able to have the necessary energy to keep on the pace in the next day. That becomes critical for trails in which you must take extreme caution: a steep and difficult terrain, where you must decide quickly and effectively at each step or compromise your balance, is not compatible with a tired hiker.
Let’s analyze then the different ways to sleep that a hiker has access to, so you can decide which is the most suitable for the route you plan to face.

Ways to sleep while hiking: pros and cons
Each of the options that a hiker has to spend the night has its particularities, benefits and usefulness in certain conditions.
The most suitable form depends on many factors. Among them are the weather conditions, the terrain, the season, the hiker economic possibilities, the size of the accompanying group and much more. Continue reading Different ways to sleep if you go hiking