Have you ever been in an emergency situation and you didn’t have cell coverage or you had to act while you were waiting for help? Today we share with you the International Red Cross First Aid app that helps you in a varied range of emergency situations..
Emergency situations explained
The app contains step-by-step instructions and even some explanatory videos and safety tips, so hiking becomes a safer activity.
There is a wide range of emergency situations that could happen while we are on a hike. The Red Cross app tries to cover them all and this is the complete list that they offer:
- Zika
- Allergies or anaphylaxis
- Anxiety attacks
- Choking or suffocation
- Seizures and epilepsy
- Asthma crisis
- Cerebral embolism
- Diabetic emergencies
- Poisoning or harmful substances
- Fractures
- Heat stroke
- Hypothermia
- Fading (divided as ‘Unconscious and breathing’ and ‘Unconscious not breathing’)
- Heart attacks
- Head injuries
- Lipotimias or fainting
- Meningitis
- Stings or bites
- Burns
- Bleeding
- Hemorrhagic or hypovolemic shocks
- Sprains and sprains
How to use the app?
To use the app, you need to choose your country. However not every country is listed due to missing collaborations between the different national Red Cross entities. So if your country isn’t listed there, just choose one where the official language is like yours.
For example, for Spanish speaking people you would have to choose Argentina or Chile, since the Spanish Red Cross doesn’t participate in this program. For English speaking people, you could choose Malta.
The app is available for Android and iOS devices:
- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cube.gdpc.fa&hl=es
- iOS: https://apps.apple.com/es/app/primeros-auxilios-ficr/id1312876691
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