8 hiking trails in France for an autumn walk

For hikers, every season has its magic and challenges. But undoubtedly one of the most attractive to go for a walk is autumn.

In the period between September 21 and December 21, not only is the temperature more pleasant for physical exercises, but also nature fills with color, preparing for winter. And while it is true that Spain has fantastic hiking routes to visit this season, our neighbor France also explodes in beauty during the fall.

Therefore, from Walkaholic we invite you to discover 8 hiking trails in France to explore in autumn, which we are sure, will fill you with delight.

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11 trail running routes in Spain

Spain has the privilege of being one of the trail running pioneers, so it is only logical that it also has many of the most beautiful trails.

It is also one of the countries where this outdoor activity grows faster worldwide. And it is not just the feeling of the unevenness, the soft ground under our feet and the constant attention needed to terrain accidents. It is passion, nature, pure air and, above all, lot of health to whom practice trail running.

As more and more runners go out to enjoy this way of running away from the asphalt, from Walkaholic we propose 11 of the best trail running routes to be run in Spain.

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17 hiking and mountain blogs you can’t miss

There is nothing like going back to the basics: the outdoors freshness, the nature in full, the personal satisfaction of a completed challenge, all the good that exercise does to our health. And all of these in the most natural way possible: walking.

Therefore, it is only logical that the passion for mountain and hiking is gaining more and more followers throughout Spain.  What do you need? Well, very little, besides ourselves and our disposition: just some equipment, a path and the desire to have fun.

So today from Walkaholic we want to applaud and thank those who have become true hiking and mountain gurus in Spain, and have taught and helped us to develop our passion.

Continue reading 17 hiking and mountain blogs you can’t miss

Hiking trails in Peaks of Europe

Although not as big as other European mountain ranges, the proximity to the sea has made that Peaks of Europe have a singular geography.  In fact, the Peaks of Europe National Park is one of the most visited in Spain, only surpassed by the Teide National Park, in Tenerife.

There is a lot to explore there, as the park extends through the Principality of Asturias, Cantabria and Castilla y León.  It is divided into three massifs, western, central and south, so hikers and mountaineers can enjoy its diversity and high peaks.

Therefore, from Walkaholic we will suggest 7 spectacular walks for all levels of experience and physical preparation, so you can enjoy the Peaks of Europe at your leisure.

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Hiking with dogs: everything you need to take into account

We have always said that, although it can be done alone, hiking is best enjoyed when we go with partners.  And one of those who will undoubtedly enjoy it is our dogs: they love to walk outdoors just like us, so there is no reason for leaving them at home.

They will surely be grateful: new smells, new places and much to explore.  However, there are some precautions that we should take into account when hiking with our four legged friend. And precisely because of this, from Walkaholic we advise you on this particular.

Continue reading Hiking with dogs: everything you need to take into account
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